Crowie Projects


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Quality clients deserve quality service. We pride ourselves in the highly specialised skills that we have developed in the retail, commercial, industrial and residential sectors. Crowie Projects offers the following range of complementary development services:

Property Development

Crowie Projects exploits its own opportunities in the property market, acting as property developer and investor. Projects are undertaken in association with a wide range of experienced service providers and these development teams. A number of projects within the Commercial, Retail and Residential sectors have been undertaken on this basis.

Turnkey Development

This service is similar to above mentioned service, however, in this scenario Crowie Projects takes on full responsibility for our clientÂ’s project, as well as assuming associated development risk. Associated development risks that could be taken on by Crowie Projects include, amongst others, return on investment, leasing, design, finance, cost, time and construction risks. On a typical arrangement, a development agreement is finalised between parties in which Crowie Projects undertakes to deliver a clearly defined product within specified cost, quality and time parameters. A variation to this typical agreement for Crowie Projects is to guarantee a predetermined return on investment.

Development Management

We provide a comprehensive consulting service to property developers and investors. Many property developers and investors do not have the expertise required to implement development projects. Crowie Projects assists them in packaging and implementing their projects. The service also includes the procurement and management of a host of service providers, on behalf of our clients. They range from design consultants (architects, consulting engineers, interior designers, space planners etc) marketers, project managers, leasing or sales agents, financiers, main building contractors and specialist subcontractors

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